
EliteMate.com is an online dating website that serves the adult community of 18 years and older. Members are allowed to have a free or a paid membership.The paid membership has more features than the free membership and it provides a lot of extra benefits. Elitemate.com has the following paid membership costs: $2.99 for 7 days, $4.99 for 14 days,$9.99 for 30 days, $24.99 : 3 Months, $44.99 : 6 Months, $79.99 : 1 Year, $99.99 Life Time. EliteMate.com offers various other services such as matchmaking, date coaching and telephone consultation (to name a few). The website allows all singles to participate and there is no problem with sexual preferences, race, ideology and the other common problems that people discriminate against.